If you wish to discover the best Indonesian arts, crafts and antiques products for purchase, then visit http://www.rajacraft.com/, an online marketplace.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
The Museum Shop
If you wish to discover the best Indonesian arts, crafts and antiques products for purchase, then visit http://www.rajacraft.com/, an online marketplace.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Harris Museum and Art Gallery
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
The History of Numismatic
Scientists were not only interested in raw material, shape, ornament and growth of the numismatics but also they were interested in disclosing human beings’ life background from time to time.
As a result, one of scientific branches appeared numismatics which drives from ‘nomisma’ means money. The numismatics, in general, defined as the science which studies the history of money including postage insignia, and medal. The numismatics study in Indonesia is evidence of direct of our national involving with the others nations from time to time. The currencies which have ever circulated in Indonesia are Krisnala ( 896 – 1158 ) Portugal’s money ( gold, silver, bronze ) 1802 Javanese’ rupiah and duit ( 1811 – 1816 ) nica ( 1947 ) ori ( 1946 ) and Indonesia’s rupiah since 1950 until now days.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Sarung Samarinda History
Motif Asepulu Bolong
La Ma’dukelleng killed a nobleman from bone (Matolla) then come delegation of Wajo king to Bone for asking the Bone king surrendered La Ma’dukelleng, the Bone king was judged. This request refused, so heppening the battle in 1665. in the battle the Wajo Kingdom was defcat. With agreament that La Ma’dukelleng a long with the third its son namely, to Sibengareng, Petattorawe, Petatosingka, with eight nobelman and two hundreds its participant left Wajo to Kutai area. On the middle way this group finish the stock and stopped at the Pasir Baru. After one moon they gotten the information that the Wajo Kingdom had submitted by Bone Kingdom so a lot of Bone people which come to Kutai.
Motif Ayam Palupuh
Finally delegated La Mohang Daeng Mangkona direct Kutai to work in this time the Kutai Kingdom was Governed by Pangeran Dipati Majo Kusumo By Kutai King, La Ma’dukelleng Daeng Mangkona given the area at the loa buah but this area wasn’t suitable for growing rice, finally it was given at the Samarinda Seberang area.
Motif Hatta
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Plaque of Yupa
Friday, May 8, 2009
Buritkang Cruse
The material gold 23 carat for statue and 18 carat for bid of paradise weight 350 gram. This Vishnu Necklace as atribute for in angaration Sultan Kutai Kartanegara.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Blowgun from Kalimantan
The process of hollow rod with a wooden blowgun is how to play while pressing a steel wire that is sharp the tip, the wire length is adjusted to the length of a stick that will be formed to the blowgun, the length of blowgun is usually between two to three meters.
The bullet processed such as shaft a small arrow its from tree branches anau such a forest of coconut leaves are used for normal roof hut the tribe of borneo. At the base point bullet are given a kind of plug for pressure when the blown, and the tip of the bullet is given the toxic from sap of trees. the spread this poison directly into the bloodstream and damage the instantaneous for organ function causing death in a very short time.
Blowgun at this time is very rarely found as only few people to make at this time and usualy only serve as a heirloom of families from generation to generation on the native tribe of Borneo.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Sword made in Borneo
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
Crown of Sultan Kutai Kartanegara
Crown of gold has been used since the start of Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman served (1845 - 1899). Estimated crown is made at the mid-19th century by goldsmith's own kingdom of Kutai. As described by Carl Bock in his book The Head-Hunters of Borneo (1881) that the Sultan Sulaiman has 6 to 8 goldsmith employed to create special items of gold and silver for the Sultan.
Mulawarman Tenggarong in the Museum can be seen only a copy of this crown. Crown of the original weighing almost 2 kg in the National Museum in Jakarta. At the time induction Sultan H.A.M. Salehuddin II as Sultan of Kutai Kartanegara on 22 September 2001, the District of Kutai Kartanegara borrow this helmet induction procession to the Sultan.