Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The History of Numismatic

In the middle age, in Europe, numismatics collectors collected which is no longer valid in various ages and countries, the objects of scientific study which has been pioneered since Renaissance when human beings enter to cultural stages which are deeply influenced by philosophy and science.

Scientists were not only interested in raw material, shape, ornament and growth of the numismatics but also they were interested in disclosing human beings’ life background from time to time.
As a result, one of scientific branches appeared numismatics which drives from ‘nomisma’ means money. The numismatics, in general, defined as the science which studies the history of money including postage insignia, and medal. The numismatics study in Indonesia is evidence of direct of our national involving with the others nations from time to time. The currencies which have ever circulated in Indonesia are Krisnala ( 896 – 1158 ) Portugal’s money ( gold, silver, bronze ) 1802 Javanese’ rupiah and duit ( 1811 – 1816 ) nica ( 1947 ) ori ( 1946 ) and Indonesia’s rupiah since 1950 until now days.

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